Implement ETL Process in SAS
The program below will run the whole process in a sequence which may be considered as a representation of ETL Process in SAS. The ETL process could also be set up in SAS ETL Studio or SAS Warehouse Administrator which would be far more sophisticated solution.
Lesson assumptions and objectives:
Please refer to the comments (in green) included in the SAS program attached below.
* run all programs in an ETL sequence ;
%include 'D:\business_scenario\';
%include 'D:\business_scenario\';
%include 'D:\business_scenario\';
%include 'D:\business_scenario\';
%include 'D:\business_scenario\';
* Use PROC MEANS to analyze populated figures ;
* We will check sum, average, min & max values of all measures ;
* the MAXDEC parameter indicates that we want to limit numbers to 2 decimal places ;
PROC MEANS data=CognosBI.Sales_Facts mean min max sum
class prod_type prod_age;
var price revenue quantity ;
Summary and statistics for newly generated measures: