MDX editor in JPivot

The MDX query editor form is a very useful JPivot component which lets users type in MDX queries in real time and see the results in a pivot table at the same page.
Using MDX query editor is also an easy way to learn MDX query language

First we define a new form which is a WCF element.
The definition of that form is in the following XML file: /WEB-INF/jpivot/table/mdxedit.xml. We can adjust the form parameters and the design in that XML file.

  • The following lines need to be added to the jsp crosstab definition file in order to get the MDX query editor on a webpage:
      <!-- mdx editor form definition -->
      <wcf:form id="mdxedit01" xmlUri="/WEB-INF/jpivot/table/mdxedit.xml" model="#{query01}" visible="false"/>
      <!-- mdx editor form toolbar entry -->
      <wcf:scriptbutton id="mdxEditButton" tooltip="toolb.mdx.edit" img="mdx-edit" model="#{mdxedit01.visible}"/>
      <!-- render MDX editor -->
      <c:if test="${mdxedit01.visible}">
        <td valign=top>
        <wcf:render ref="mdxedit01" xslUri="/WEB-INF/wcf/wcf.xsl" xslCache="false"/>

    JPivot with the navigator and MDX query editor:
    JPivot with the navigator and MDX query editor