Populate Dimensions in a Fact table under SAS

Please find below an example of how to populate random dimensions in a fact table
Lesson assumptions and objectives:

  • In the first few lines of a program there is a section where we can set up parameters. For this tutorial we will generate data for years 2005-2007 and we want to have 2000 observations in our fact table.
  • The date will be formatted in DD-MM-YYYY format (For instance 15-01-2007)
  • The weekend sales should be limited compared to weekdays. Althought our business runs on Sundays it has less sales than on Saturdays.
  • We randomly generate a date, a customer ID and product ID for each data row. To make the model more interesting We use Random and Uniform distributions to populate random data.
  • We also fill in product type and product age variables
  • At the end we will generate a simple SAS chart to check if the data meets our expectations

    Please refer to the comments (in green) included in the SAS program attached below.

    * create a dataset in a work folder ; data facts_date_ids;   * initial parameters; dt_min='01jan2005'd; dt_max='31dec2007'd; cnt_cust=21; cnt_prod=22; prod_type_cnt=2; prod_age_cnt=6; obs_to_populate=2000;   * format date to dd-mm-yyyy format ; format DT DDMMYYD10.;   *loop to generate records; DO i=1 TO obs_to_populate;       /* generate random date between min and max date*/       DT=dt_min+ranuni(0)*(dt_max-dt_min);   /*make less sales in sundays than saturdays and weekends less than in weekdays */ if weekday(dt)=1 then dt=dt_max-ranuni(1)*(dt_max-dt_min);        if weekday(dt)=7 then dt=dt_max-ranuni(2)*(dt_max-dt_min);        if weekday(dt)=1 then dt=dt_max-ranuni(3)*(dt_max-dt_min);   /* customer - when absolute value of normal distribution random (rannor) is greater then a limit then populate a number in second half of the population        */       idc = int(1+abs(rannor(123))*10); * if populated value exceeds the limit, populate it again using normal distribution (ranuni);       if idc>cnt_cust then idc = int(cnt_cust/2+ranuni(123)*(cnt_cust/2));   /*       products - the same as customers - when absolute(rannor) is greater then limit,       populate a number in second half of the population       */       idp = int(1+abs(rannor(3456))*20);   * if populated value exceeds the limit, populate it again using normal distribution (ranuni);       if idp>cnt_prod then idp = int(cnt_prod/2+ranuni(123)*(cnt_prod/2));   /*prod type*/       prod_type = int(1+ranuni( 0)*prod_type_cnt); /*product age*/       if prod_type=1 then prod_age=1; * set age for seeds to zero;       else prod_age = int(2+ranuni(0)*(prod_age_cnt-1));         output; END;   /*keep only the relevant fields*/ keep dt idc idp prod_type prod_age;   run;   *quick look at the populated figures ; PROC MEANS data=facts_date_ids min max MAXDEC=0;       class prod_age;       var prod_type ; RUN;   *looking at the data on a graph may be also interesting ; proc gchart data=facts_date_ids;       pie prod_age / discrete; run; quit;

    Use PROC MEANS and PROC GCHART to check the newly generated data:
    Use PROC MEANS and PROC GCHART to check the newly generated data